
Sinister Mind


Walk or Work

Workspace and Lifestyle We often get this mixed up and confusing, contradictory for a better word ' how I live' and 'how I do my things' most people sometimes mistaken Walk for Work given with numerous activities in our modern world today and  assumptions postulated through ancient times and teachings, we tend to lose track of what we work, and how we walk. I guess in words of advice, the essence working is walking for the betterment towards healthy living or in some case vice versa. Stay healthy guys.                                                             XenoJNR 2022 Ref: Betterment for life and the family, health and good living. 2022


Some days are way off, some are just so... while others are awesome, and sometimes you might feel unweave and disconnected by  numerous wondering affairs of life but Hey! that's part of living some might say..., a thousand words make a meaning and a word a million sense as every syllable proceeds. Every piece is an art from the slightest to the magnificent, from a single motion to constant but at the end the perfect work of art is me.                                                                    XenoJNR 


Motivation is a vital tool to success incentive or non incentive were precision, intellectual efficiency and team work is effective with both Human and material resource. #Discretionmakeanoptimisticmindset#

Let your light shine and illuminate in the darkest of places


Xeno Arts

Ever woke up one morning and say Wow yeah